How do I choose which Mobile Disco to book?
Do not be persuaded into spending more than you need to on a Mobile Disco. However do spend your money wisely on a Professional Mobile Disco. You’ll find the right one will provide exactly what you need and want, and give you a great party!
It really is a mistake to go with the cheapest Mobile Disco you can find, there is a reason they are cheap. Of course nobody wants to spend more than they need to. However by booking the cheapest, they possibly won’t issue a contract, They may not turn up on the day. Their equipment may fail without any backup. How about if their music library isn’t capable of playing your requests. Consider if they have insurance and a way of covering your party of they fall ill. Do they actually have the experience to do a good job for you? These are some of the pitfalls when booking the cheapest Mobile Disco you can find
How much is a Mobile Disco?
You could find a Mobile Disco for £75 and another for £1000. You may not need the £1000 Mobile Disco, but equally will the £75 one do what you want, or even turn up!
Both will play music, but does it end there? Will your Mobile Disco supply effect lighting to create a WOW factor and help compliment your venue? Does your DJ have Public Liability Insurance (required by many venues)? Will you get a contract to ensure they will turn up on the day? Will they discuss music styles and requests with you?
As a general guideline we suggest the following based on our wide experience:
General Party DJ, Sound & Lighting for a small venue, maybe 5 years experience – £250
General Party DJ, Sound & Lighting for a small to medium sized venue, maybe 5 years experience – £350
Professional Party DJ, High quality Sound & Lighting for a Medium to Large venue, maybe 10 years experience – £450 upwards depending on venue size and your requirements
Professional Wedding DJ, High quality Sound & Lighting for a Medium to Large venue. Probably at least 10 years experience and fully capable of providing Master of Ceremony duties during the day as well as Mobile Disco in the evening – £600 upwards
It’s much more than having someone….just play music!
You want your party to special and memorable, so why would you not book a Mobile Disco with the experience, flexibility and equipment to do a professional job.
Professional Mobile Discos have the experience of hundreds of past events. They also have hundreds of happy previous clients. As well as thousands of people who danced to the music they played. They use professional grade, reliable equipment which looks and sounds good. Of course they carry backup equipment, just in case. They have a network of colleagues who can cover your event if there’s an emergency. Their music library will be extensive and wide ranging in styles. And their lighting will create a great mood and WOW factor.
A Professional Mobile Disco DJ knows when to speak and when not to! They also know how to read an audience to gauge what styles to play. You will get a contract from a professional, to confirm details of your event and give you the reassurance they will turn up.
Which would you choose?
Both of these DJs might be very good at filling dance floors and giving you and your guests a great party. However one show might make you go “Oh”, while the other might make you go “WOW!”
It’s not all about equipment, but that can be a major factor in making your party look great as well as being great
Ready for disappointment?
A cheap Mobile Disco is much more likely to disappoint you and your guests, whether it’s because they dont have up to date equipment that looks smart in your venue. Maybe their sound system is distorted and will have your guests holding their ears all night. Perhaps they can’t or won’t play your requests! Might they play their music from Youtube or similar, complete with adverts and big pauses.
We can tell you of many last minute calls from clients who’ve been let down. Often at the last minute on a Saturday night. They are always Mobile Discos who have charged less then half the going rate. Most likely because they’ve found a better paying gig!
It’s scary to think you could prepare everything for your Party, guests start to arrive. Yet the Mobile Disco isn’t set up. Please don’t be that person making a panic phone call!
This website helps you find a Mobile Disco that provides a reliable and quality service at a sensible price. Check out our Questions To Ask Your DJ section and browse our Mobile Disco Database to find the right one for your party